Official NATO and EU Cooperation

At the NATO Summit held in Brussels, the Secretary General of that organization, Jens Stoltenberg, as well as European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker signed the Declaration on Cooperation between NATO and the European Union. It envisages intensification of joint activities such as the fight against terrorism, the suppression of chemical, radiological, biological and nuclear risks, the suppression of hybrid threats, etc. This cooperation started a few years ago, and is constantly increasing. NATO and the EU already exchange real-time cyber-attacks, participate in mutual exercises, and co-operate in taking measures to increase the number of refugees from war-affected countries.

– The security measures taken by the European Union are complementary to our policies and are not an alternative to NATO. We must ensure the maximum participation of allied countries that have not yet become members of the EU in our cooperation, and thus avoid the creation of new barriers – said, among others, Jens Stoltenberg.

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