Lideri tehnološkog sektora su u sredu (14. septembra 2022.) u Severnoatlantskom savetu razmenili mišljenja o inovacijama i novim i disruptivnim tehnologijama sa NATO saveznicima. Saveznicima se pridružio Bred Smit, predsednik Majkrosofta; Oliver Luis, suosnivač Rebellion Defence; i Stefan Briešenk, suosnivač Roket Fektorija. NATO nastavlja da sarađuje sa privatnim sektorom kako bi osigurao da Alijansa zadrži svoju tehnološku prednost.
NATO is increasing its focus on new technologies, including with a Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) and a multinational NATO Innovation Fund, to invest 1 billion euros in early-stage start-ups and other venture capital funds. NATO’s new Strategic Concept sets out how Allies will work together to adopt and integrate new technologies, cooperate with the private sector, protect innovation ecosystems, shape standards and commit to principles of responsible use that reflect the Alliance’s democratic values and human rights.
Izvor: NATO