America: “New sanctions against Russia for the case of “Skripalj””


US President Donald Trump’s administration has announced that they will introduce new sanctions to Russia as a punishment for the use of a “novicok” in the attempt to liquidate former Russian spy Segej Skripalj and his daughter Juliet. It was published after the State Department informed the Congress that Russia did not meet the requirements of the Chemical Weapons and Biological Weapons Control and War Prevention Act from 1991. In case if a state does not respect this law and uses chemical poisons, the US President must impose sanctions on her. We recall that top US officials have accepted the British government’s conclusion that there is no doubt that Kremlin officials are behind the attempted murder of Julia Skripalj and her father. In a letter from the United Kingdom National Security Adviser, Mark Sedville, which he sent to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, said that the Russian intelligence services had followed Julia Skripalj for several years and trained a special unit tasked with killing opponents with combat poison. One of the variants tested by members of this unit, was the killing by applying small concentrations of poisons to the door handle. The first attempt of this type of murder was an attempt to liquidate Sergej Skripal, so it is not surprising that members of the English police and intelligence services discovered the poison “novice” at the door of the house in Solsbury, in which Skripalj lived.

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