Kosovo will have the support of Finland, but with one precondition

Photo: www.freeworldmaps.com

Kosovo can count on Finland’s maximum support in seeking to abolish visas for traveling to EU countries, but will have to do something in return. It will have to abolish taxes on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is a conclusion that comes after a visit to Pristina by Pec Havista, a Finnish foreign minister, one of the most influential EU members.

“We support the independence of Kosovo and its membership in international organizations. However, there are some problems that are preventing progress in Serbia-Kosovo negotiations. You have our full support in continuing these negotiations. We are concerned about the taxes on products from Serbia and we hope that conditions for Kosovo-Serbian talks will again be set”, Havisto said. He added that young people in Kosovo deserve a better future and that he hopes that one day all Balkan countries will become EU members.

Otherwise, since the beginning of the election campaign for the upcoming Kosovo elections, political tensions between the Serbs in Kosovo and the Pristina authorities have been increasing day by day. As time goes on, it is increasingly apparent that Kosovo authorities are trying to provoke a split within the Serbian ethnic minority in Kosovo into Serbs who support official Belgrade and predecessor Vucic and their compatriots loyal to Kosovo authorities. This is not surprising given the fact that Albin Kurti, the leader of the Self-Determination movement, announced something like this when he announced before the election campaign that he would negotiate with the Serbs, but not with those who support the Serbian List. Realizing that this was not only his tactics but also the priority of the authorities in Pristina was evident from the pre-election video recorded by Nenad Rasic, a leader of the “Freedom” coalition.

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